Term 1 commences Wed 29th January, 2025


Niddrie Gymnastics Club is a not-for-profit Club run by a Voluntary Committee of Parents and Coaches.
Committee Frequently Asked Questions - Click here.

About Us

We are a group of regular mums and dads, just like you, who have put up their hands to support the development of the Club and the Club community to help create the best possible experience for our kids. Like you, we all have other jobs. 

We are always looking for more help, so if you can spare a few hours, please get in touch.



Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month from 7 - 8pm but please check the calendar  and inbox for any changes that can sometimes occur.

Annual General Meeting

Our AGM is held in May each year

2025 Official Committee Members


Michelle Cuce & Stephanie Lambiris

Vice President: 

Teneyl Gazzo


Janine Keast


Elizabeth Shimmin

Head Coach: 

Natalie Roberts

Committee related Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why attend committee meetings?

    • If you are a Squad Representative. Thank you!
    • To support your child in their chosen sport. Yes!
    • To support our Club. Thank You!
    • To help with the general running of the club. Naw, Thanks!
    • To offer suggestions in relation to fundraising or sponsorship. Always a plus!
    • To become involved in our club community. We are family!
    • To offer support and help with our major events. We need more of you...

    Or just because..

    Please note: Our committee meetings are not a place for general communication with coaches.  please see this link here.

  • Is it compulsory for squad parents to attend committee meetings?

    No, attendance is optional.

    It would be ideal for one representative from each squad to attend each committee meeting to disseminate relevant information to other squad parents.

  • Does the same representative from each squad need to attend each committee meeting?

    No, there can be a different representative at each meeting. Minutes will only be sent to one committee member / squad representative though, it is the squad reps responsibility to pass in on.

  • Are you open to new suggestions eg. for fundraising?

    Yes, of course, we always welcome new ideas. If you have a great idea, could you help us to make it work?

    After a survey a few years ago, it was unanimous that parents would prefer to pay a Fundraising Levy than participate in fundraising. 

    New ideas should be directed at community fundraising and sponsorship. If you know someone or a company that would like to sponsor our Club, please get in touch

  • I am new to the club and don’t know many other parents. Will I have to chair a committee meeting?

    No, the President chairs the committee meetings and in her absence the Vice President or Treasurer with feedback from attendees. 

    Joining the committee is a great way to make friends and learn about our Club. 

    We just ask that you come along with an open mind and we ask for volunteers to take on tasks if they can.

  • How are suggestions/ member feedback dealt with?

    A Suggestions/member feedback form has been compiled and is located here. 

    The form should be placed in the Fees box and will be addressed at the next committee meeting. 

  • Why do we have a maintenance Levy?

    We are a not for profit club run by a voluntary committee. The maintenance levy has been in existence for several years and is consistent with practices at many other similar clubs, such as kindergartens, tennis clubs and schools. The principle is that the levy is applied to each family once per year and once a member attends a working bee for the 2-hour minimum time, the levy is refunded.

    Working Bees are designed so that various tasks can be undertaken eg. pit cleanout, floor realignment, general cleaning etc. 

    The policy is clear, a member must attend for the 2 hour period in order to qualify for the refund.

    Assistance at competitions eg. Setup, pack up, canteen, door duties are not considered working bee activities. 

    Maintenance levies that remain are used for maintenance at the club. In the past funds raised from maintenance, levies have been used to get the kitchen painted, purchase floor and carpet tiles for upstairs and electrical work.

  • I cannot attend committee meetings, what else can I do to help?

    There is always something to do – man the uniform shop, assist with the preparation or running of competitions. You may have other skills we can utilise, eg. the vinyl floor in the canteen was laid by parents and one of our coaches a very long time ago and need replacing ! 

    Become a judge! 

    (No gymnastics experience required)

    We'd love to hear about your skills and how they can help us!

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